The Blog
The Squarespace Showcase Edit 02: Rebecca Martha Interiors
This month on the blog we’re looking at our second Squarespace showcase installation, Rebecca Martha Interiors. If you need some interior design website inspiration, stop scrolling and see how we made Rebecca’s website cosy and inviting…
Spotlight Sessions: Nima Patel, Mindful Champs
Today on the blog we’re interviewing children’s mindfulness specialist, Nima Patel. She speaks about her business Mindful Champs, why mindfulness is so important for children, and how she found starting a business in the middle of a pandemic…
Studio 77 Turns 4 Years Old Today!
Grab your champagne glasses and a slice of vegan cake because we are four years old today! What started out as three friends frustrated with their design agency jobs, has transformed into a successful independent website design and branding business that is celebrating its fourth business birthday today…
Do I Need Brand Guidelines for my Business?
When you think of great brands, from Apple to Nike, design and branding are a big part of the package. Brand design plays a big part in who you are to your customers. So, the easiest way you can make sure your name is top of the list with potential clients? Good and consistent branding…
The Squarespace Showcase Edit 01: Studio Sonder
Since we launched in 2017, we’ve been using Squarespace to create beautifully bespoke websites. We thought it was about time we collated our favourite Squarespace websites that we’ve built and share them with you…
We’ve Raised £3,000 for Friends of The Earth
We did it! We're super excited to announce that we've met our fundraising goal for Friends of the Earth and have donated £3,000 to them since signing up with Work For Good.
7 Key Things to Make Your E-commerce Business Launch Successful
If you are about to launch an e-commerce business, then you already know there is a lot to think about. From the back end operations of fulfilment, to the user experience of your website – there is plenty to keep you busy…
Squarespace SEO Tips To Get On the First Page of Google
After ranking first for some of our keywords recently, we thought wed share with you the things that we've done over the last six months to skyrocket our SEO from performing lower than average, all the way to the number one spot…
How To Attract Your Dream Clients
You've probably seen people posting on social, saying they've landed their dream clients, and whilst you're super thrilled for them, you're wondering why you're not attracting yours. I'm going to share with you my secrets on how I've managed to secure work with dream clients consistently over the last four years…
Join The Creative Business Collective
When taking on your own business, learning never stops, industries develop, applications are released and the ever-changing world of marketing and social media just keeps...changing! With this in mind, we’ve launched our very first Facebook Group, The Creative Business Collective…
Five Top Tips For Being a Better Designer
Real talk, when was the last time you took an hour to develop your own design skills? 2020 has been a bit of a kick in the face for a lot of designers, with a lot of people facing redundancies, job uncertainty or uncomfortably long gaps between freelance design gigs…
3 Easy Ways to Increase Your Squarespace Site’s Conversion Rate
I’m going to give you three basic tips that you can easily implement on your Squarespace website to increase your website conversion rate… You don’t even need a Squarespace developer to do these, so there’s no excuse!
We’re Named One of Britain’s Top 50 Business Advisors
We’re delighted to announce that we have been named as one of Britain’s top 50 business advisers by Enterprise Nation! We’ve been picked from hundreds of advisers from around the UK for our work in the branding and design sector of the award. Go vote for us today…
Spotlight Sessions: Just Jaz
Today on the blog we’re interviewing Career Coach: Just Jaz. She speaks about her own journey and shares inspiring advice that reminds us to focus on the importance of building confidence in ourselves first, to help us on our way to being successful in business and life.
Just Launched: The Studio 77 Snippets Podcast
I’ve been working on creating a podcast for Studio 77 over the last few months. I’m super excited to announce that our first episode is available on Spotify, iTunes and all other major podcast broadcasts…
Business Growth Tips For Mindful Business Planning
The Studio 77 business approach is a little bit different from your classic business model. Whilst I use the classic business methods like goal setting, marketing planning and design sprints, I also run Studio 77 with a more holistic approach in mind…
Spotlight Sessions: JC Candanedo, Photographer and Humanitarian
Today on the blog we’re interviewing photographer and humanitarian JC Candanedo. He speaks about falling in love with photography, his career change and gives some top photography tips for budding new photographers.
Should I Hire A Website Designer Or Can I Build My Squarespace Website Myself?
Over on Instagram, we’ve had a couple of questions talking about whether you actually need to hire a website designer to build your Squarespace website, or if you can do it yourself. So today we’re taking you through three things to think about when taking on the task of designing your own Squarespace website.
3 Website Design Tips From Our Free Website Reviews on Instagram Live
A couple of weeks ago, I went live on Instagram every day to do some quickfire website reviews! After reviewing 15 websites back to back, there were some common themes across the websites that I was seeing, so I've collated a list of the top 3 points that everyone should be doing on their website…
Spotlight Sessions: Natalie Byrne, Feminist Illustrator
Today on the Spotlight Sessions we’re talking with Latina illustrator, Natalie Byrne about her proudest moments, her favourite illustration tools and why she uses her illustrations as a platform to tackle social issues…