The Blog
Why Photography Choices Can Make or Break Your Website
There is no room for visual confusion on your website. Every element must reflect who you are. If a picture speaks a thousand words, what are your images saying about you?
8 Ways To Be More Eco-Friendly This Earth Day
In light of Earth Day this week, we thought we’d do something a little different from the usual blog posts we share. Leaving aside the design tips and news, we’re talking about easy switches you can make to become more eco-friendly.
How To Keep Tabs On Your Screen Time At Work
Have you ever experienced that buzzing sensation, convinced it was your phone vibrating? Only to realise that it wasn’t. It’s what’s known as phantom vibration syndrome, and it’s one of the first…
We're Officially Part of The Awwwards Young Jury 2019
Last month, I nearly spat my coffee out when I read the subject line "You've been chosen - Welcome to the Awwwards Jury 2019!”….
Why Designers Should Keep Playing
We were five digital designers wearing has-mat style onesies in a five-story carpark in Soho, preparing to partake in a paint-throwing, brush flinging group art project called “Paint Cake”.
What Are Cinemagraphs?
If you are a keen follower of changes to the digital trends, you’ll know that video and motion graphics are here to stay. Recently we have seen cinemagraphs become more popular in social media and websites to engage…
Wireframes: The Design Before The Design
Before we start any website design project, we always start with wireframes and a sitemap. But what are wireframes? What's a sitemap? And why are they important in the website design process?
Five Quick Tips To Improve and Grow Your Design Skills
As designers, it’s so important to keep on developing our skill set. With the ever-changing digital landscape; new software, new technology, and new trends are always emerging, disappearing or evolving…
Why Your Logo Isn't Your Brand
The first, and most natural thing, that comes to most peoples minds when asked what brand identity is, is the logo. While your logo is indeed an integral part of your business and your brand, in the grander scale of things, it’s just the tip of the iceberg…
Five Sketch Plugins Every Designer Needs For Website Design
Sketch has been revolutionary for web design. Since it's release in 2010, the symboling features, automated responsive grids, and layer and text styles have been making web…
Our Top Four Inspiration Sites for When You Have Creative Block
Creative block. It happens to all designers, even the most established and well-practised ones. Nothing is quite like having a head full of creativity and not being able to accurately…
5 Reasons Why We Love Squarespace + Why You Need a Squarespace Designer
We share five reasons why we’re loving Squarespace at the moment and talk about why you should hire a Squarespace designer when creating your website…
A Fresh New Look For the New Year
It’s here, and just in time for Christmas! We’re very excited to share with you something we have had in the works now for the best part of 2018…
Uncut Interview: Online Branding with Enterprise Nation
Last week we were interviewed by small-business experts, Enterprise Nation. We spoke briefly on their blog about ' ‘how to build an online brand that will make more sales for your business.’
International Women's Day #PressForProgress
This is a really important day for us at Studio 77, as a female led-company, we feel it's important to celebrate and discuss the theme for this year’s International Women's Day.
7 Quick Tips for Great Dashboard Design
We've been busy working on a fair few dashboards here at Studio 77, so we've compiled a few basic, and easy to implement, tips and tricks on how we think dashboard design should be done…
The Importance of Personal Projects
Here in the studio, we are keen advocates for setting ourselves personal design projects as it’s so important to give ourselves some creative freedom. Whilst brand guidelines are paramount to creating a consistent brand, they can restrict certain routes that you’d perhaps otherwise explore…
Print Design Isn't Dead
In this digital world, it's not uncommon to hear people mutter "print is dead", but here's why we think print is sticking around for the long game.
Top 5 Free Stock Photography Sites
Firm advocates of the free stock photography movement, we’ve compiled a list of our top five sites to source images for your website designs.
A Spotlight on Adobe XD: Perfecting UX design Software
We all know UI/UX design can be tedious at times, so what are Adobe XD bringing to the table to help website designers out?