Our Top Four Inspiration Sites for When You Have Creative Block

Creative block. It happens to all designers, even the most established and well-practised ones. Nothing is quite like having a head full of creativity and not being able to accurately execute your vision. Combatting creative block used to be difficult, but nowadays it's so easy to find inspiration right at your fingertips just by looking online.

Here are our top inspirational sites we have found useful when dealing with the dreaded creative block...


One of our favourite sites to go on for inspiration! We love Pinterest. What we love best about this site is the ability to save the posts onto your own board so you can go back to it later, or create some mood boards for client-based work. It doesn’t even have to be work-related - could be anything from dream interiors to fitness recipes. Check out our Pinterest here.


Behance showcases portfolios from creative professionals across all industries. It’s nice to see what other creatives are doing also gives you a chance to delve into another industry you aren’t familiar with - you never know when inspiration can strike when looking at things outside your area of expertise.


Another showcase portfolio site, another source of inspiration. We love the showcase of animated gifs whenever we are stuck in a rut.

UI Collective

This site is based upon the dailyUI challenge where you sign up and for 100 days you are sent a creative UI brief for that day! It really helps develop your design skills - and it’s also nice to see what other people are doing.

And if after browsing through all the above, you are still struggling, take some time out. Go for a walk, get some fresh air, grab a coffee with friends, you never know when inspiration can hit you, but from our experience, it’s normally when you least expect it…


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