8 Tips from Female Founders on How to Build a Successful Business
Following on from our article last week, we've condensed some of the knowledge that was shared into some fundamental points about building your business successfully.
Learn To Delegate Properly
Don’t try and hold onto too much as you grow, you’ll end up burning out. Delegating is so important, but you’ve got to know how to do it effectively. When asking people to deliver tasks, give them a proper brief. Tell them how long to spend on something and what is it that you want in as much detail as possible to save yourself from having to re-do it.
Keep On Learning
Never stop being curious, especially in the digital industry. Technology is ever evolving and developing, there are always new programmes and products being released. If you stop learning then you will fall behind. Even if it’s as simple as reading a book or listening to a podcast, make sure you keep feeding your brain!
Give Power To Your Team
Sounds simple, but a lot of places don’t do this. It can be as simple as letting someone know when they’ve smashed brief or just saying thank you. This will make them feel like they are part of your team as well as appreciated.
Talk To People
Build up a strong support network around you that you can confide in when you need it. Talk to people, bounce ideas off of them, and keep the conversation alive - who knows something great could come out of it!
Surround Yourself With The Right People
Ask yourself, “who is going to enable me to do what I want to do?” Surround yourself with people who love what you’re doing and want to be a part of it, whether they are business partners or simply friends.
“Take risks, be brave and have faith.”
Be Brave
Sometimes you do have to take risks and do things that would potentially make you feel uncomfortable. Listen to your gut and make calculated risks.
Believe In What You're Doing
Sounds simple, but it's so important to completely believe in your businesses purpose. If you don't believe in what you're doing then how are you going to convince others to?
Don’t Measure Yourself Against Others
It's easy to compare ourselves and our success to others, this is such a toxic thing to do. Focus on your business and your success, not the success of someone else - there’s enough room in this world for everyone to succeed!